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    About Us…Persona Doctors®
    “Persona” means the image or personality that a person presents to the world… How do you want others to see you…

About Persona Doctors®

Persona Doctors is a practice of medical doctors and other healthcare professionals with decades of experience and thousands of satisfied patients. Our state-of-the-art medical clinics are staffed by experts who specialize in the treatment of obesity, hormonal imbalances and related disorders.

We are experienced, licensed professionals who have continuously met the changing needs of an overweight and aging population, without resorting to fads or gimmicks. We are providers of modern medicine’s most advanced products and services from industry leaders that share core values of quality care and the best standards.

The Persona Doctors business model follows a strict set of medical protocols that provides our patients with customized therapies to meet their changing needs. Persona Doctors is able to deliver on its core promise of quality patient care and convenience through diversified facilities, which include:

  • Seven Medical Clinics — Maryland and Virginia
  • Specialized Compounding Pharmacy
  • Advanced Onsite Medical Diagnostics

Customer Service Commitment

Persona Doctors upholds the principle of exemplary service in the provision of patient care and customer service.

We accept accountability for the fulfillment of our mission, consistent with our organizational ethics statement, our compliance programs, and supporting policies, as well as all applicable laws and regulations.

Our Promise

We provide impartial access to health care, regardless of race, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, physical impairments or religious preference.

We treat all patients with dignity, respect, and courtesy. Patients and their families will be involved in decisions regarding their care to the extent that this is practical and possible. We will inform patients about therapeutic alternatives and the risks associated with the care they are seeking.

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